My Hormones are Making Me Tired?

If you’re getting a good night’s sleep and eating a balanced, healthy diet, why are you so tired? Being tired at the time is annoying! We live busy lives and it’s hard to function throughout the day when we’re lacking energy. If you’re on your third cup of coffee or energy drink and still feel down, your sleep schedule may not be the problem… it could be your hormones!

Chronic fatigue isn’t normal – not only are you tired, but the lack of energy makes you irritable and maybe even depressed. You may even begin to skip out on events or exercise due to your tiredness, which is NOT normal.

Low testosterone (Low T) could be the culprit of your lack of energy.

More Testosterone, More Energy!

When people think of Low T, a low sex drive may come to mind, but testosterone affects a lot more in your body than that! Testosterone helps maintain muscle mass, keeps up stamina, and creates energy. If you’re low on testosterone, there’s a good chance you have Low T.

Low energy can also lead a person to move or exercise less, which can lead to weight gain and lead to more serious health issues like heart disease or diabetes.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can get testosterone back to ideal levels to bring your energy up, while reducing body fat, increasing muscle mass, increasing sex drive, and lowering depression.

As a human, being tired comes with the territory…we all have busy lives, BUT chronic fatigue is not normal, so get it checked if you’re often unable to keep your eyes open or function normally.

TRT is different for each patient and results will vary.

Wake up with TRT!

Don’t go through life feeling like a zombie. Tiredness can keep us from all the things we love to do in life. It can also keep us from exercising, which can lead to weight and other health problems.

It’s best to get your hormones checked and get treated so you can feel refreshed, vibrant, and alive again!

Our physicians at Vitality Health of South Florida will customize a TRT program for you to help increase your energy so you can fully live life again.

Click the button at the top of the screen to set up a consultation with our team at Vitality Health. We want to help you feel like your best self again.

Call us at 1-833-4LOWTEEor email

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