Men, Body Weight, And Hormones

Lean proteins. Good fats. Lifting heavy weights. Taking a spin class. You could be doing all the “right” and healthy things to lose weight, but if your hormones are out of balance, it won’t matter how many burpees you do, the scale won’t budge!

When it comes to men, weight gain is one of the most common signs of low testosterone (Low T). Weight gain, along with excessive fatigue and weakness (for no known reason) is also a sign that a man is suffering from Low T.

Fix Testosterone, Fix Weight!

As we get older, our bodies change in many ways, including our hormones. Our hormones usually decrease each year we get older which can have us feeling much older than we are. With a lowering of testosterone, men go through their own male menopause known as Andropause. Andropause can lead to an increase in body fat, especially in the mid-section. Even more serious, Low T can lead to serious medical conditions triggered by the excess body fat. Increased body fat puts men at risk for developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and high blood pressure. 

How Can I Fix My Low T?

If your weight gain isn’t due to frequent late-night trips to McDonald’s or being a couch potato, your weight gain, especially as an older male, may be due to Low T. To fix this, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help restore testosterone levels to their optimal level, which will help you lose weight and body fat. Normal testosterone levels also make it easier to grow and maintain muscle mass and strong bones.

If you’ve been living with Low T, you’ll likely experience a lot of benefits once you are treated and back to “normal” levels. Through fat loss and muscle gains, you will experience a better sex drive, more stamina, better memory, and will feel better overall.

TRT is customized to each patient and results will vary.

Don’t Struggle with Your Weight Any Longer… Try TRT!

Weight gain can be extremely frustrating and discouraging, especially when it seems to be out of your control. Don’t let your hormones wear you down any longer – get them straightened out!

Click the button at the top of the screen to set up a consultation with our team at Vitality Health of South Florida. We want to help you get back to your old self!

Call us at 1-833-4LOWTEE or email

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